I’ve been thinking a lot (probably too much) about social media recently. It’s a beautiful and wonderful thing. We can keep in contact with friends and family from across the country, and I’ve made some great friends through Instagram and Twitter (not kidding, here!). They are platforms for spreading positivity, our stories, and promoting fun things like, ARC Running and The #RunningMyselfTogether Women.
Unfortunately, it can also be painful and hurtful. I don’t think I stand alone when I say, “Yeah, I compare myself to others while scrolling through Instagram.” Even if it is subconsciously.
How often do you catch yourself saying, “I want her life.” Maybe not in those exact words, but at least some iteration of the phrase. So, you work for what someone else has, but you never get there. And then you see something else you want. You work towards that. And you don’t get there either. The next thing you know you’ve spent the majority of your time chasing after what’s rightfully someone else’s and you’ve lived up to the phrase, “Comparison is the thief of joy,” as you sulk on your couch eating a bag of Doritos, because who really cares about being a fitness model, anyway?
If that conversation happens within us multiple times on a daily basis, how defeating and self-destructive can that be? Extremely. It’s no wonder a study connecting depression and social media concluded that “[t]hose who checked their social media most frequently were 2.7 times more likely to be depressed compared to those who checked less often.” You can find an even deeper analysis on the study here.
(via www.psychiatrictimes.com)
Or what about when we can’t put our phones away during lunch or dinner with a friend? The phones sit on the table ready to draw anyone’s attention away from the conversation and camaraderie and towards what seems to be imminent and pressing. Or what is just simply a silly snapchat. I’m a culprit of it myself, but I’m working on keeping my phone in my purse and on silent, checking it periodically if we’re waiting on someone. Other than that, all else can wait.
BUT, I am not trying to be a Debbie Downer here.
(via www.nbc.com)
Conducting a Social Media Audit
Because there is so much good that can come from social media. And we must be the ones creating, fostering, and advocating for that good.
Do a social media audit on yourself by asking these questions:
- How much time am I spending on social media a day?
- How do I feel after using social media?
- Am I commenting only positive things on others’ posts?
- Am I only posting positive posts (excluding posts raising awareness for things that aren’t so positive, like cures for cancer, and genocide, and mental illness, etc., and anything else that could fall into this category. You get what I’m getting at.)?
- Does social media lead to more gossiping within my group of friends?
- Does social media make me think negatively about myself or others?
I urge you to take some time to think about these things. Social media, like I said, can be wonderful and amazing if it’s used for good.
But you know what else is good, doesn’t cause depression, and can keep us occupied while we’re spending time away from social media? Running! So, as you’re doing your social media audit, why don’t you also take some time to think about running, say, 26.2 miles? If you dare to venture into what could be a frightening, exciting, awe-inspiring, and existential experience, below is a handy infographic on how to train for a marathon.
Clicking through the infographic will bring you to a blog post by a previous Boston Marathon winner, with pretty pictures and all!
Source: Fix.com Blog