Oh what a wonderful conversation I had with Rich Bracken of the EnRich Your Soul podcast. I still find it strange – this whole interview thing. I’m used to hiding behind my written word where I can tweak and edit to my heart’s content.
Interviews, well, they’re scary. They’re real. They’re vulnerable. But in the moment, there’s nothing more liberating than talking with someone who is full of life, full of positivity, and full of passion.
And that’s Rich.
Rich is a blogger, motivator, and marketing aficionado, and I was delighted when he asked if I’d be a part of his podcast.
In my interview with him, I share my story. I share how I stumbled into running and how I still use running as a means of therapy today. I talk about anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and how recovery is tough, but worth it.
We also talk about memes, because who doesn’t love a good meme. I couldn’t find the original meme we talk about towards the end of the episode, but it’s in this list of the most hilarious gifs I’ve seen in a long time.
So, here’s the interview, friends. I hope you enjoy, and as always, feel free to share, comment, or email me at maria@runningmyselftogether.com