I can’t believe I finally get to write this story. I’ve been holding onto it (and living it) for quite some time now, and it’s amazing to actually put words to paper.
Back in June, my now future sister in law asked if/when I was going to share how I met my then boyfriend. I told her, “Not until we get engaged.” I had shared about past relationships multiple times on this platform over the years, and it was always a hassle to have to delete everything (even though it was part of my story) once that relationship ended. Plus, I realized that not every relationship was destined for marriage (yes, it took me until my late 20’s to realize this), so I wanted to keep this relationship private as we discerned where God was calling us.
Thankfully, though, I can share everything with you now.
Why Not?
At the end of 2020, I found myself faced with a (much easier than I thought it would be) decision: continue to be strung along in a three year dating relationship that I wasn’t sure would end in marriage or end that relationship, step out of the boat, and face the dating world again.
I chose the latter. I was tired of being told things that never came to fruition and I was tired of putting my hope in someone who wasn’t following through. While it was heartbreaking for me at the time, I had peace about it. I knew (almost immediately) it was the right decision.
Back at the end of 2020 (prior to this breakup), I had started a consecration to St. Joseph for my job, my future husband, and my life. You can learn more about the consecration here.
Unbeknownst to me, I finished the consecration on January 23rd, the feast of the Holy Spouses. And throughout that consecration, I got a new job, turned it down, got a promotion and raise at the company I was currently at, and then ended my three year relationship. (St. Joe knew what he was doing, let me tell you.)
A week after I finished the consecration, a friend from college reached out to me with a text that read, “Hey Maria! Are you open to meeting someone? He’s super Catholic and the best man ever, second only to my fiance.”
Have you ever been at that place in life where you think, “Well, nothing ever works out for me, so why not”?
I was there. In that exact moment.
So, I said, “Why not. I’m always up for meeting a nice man.”
“The only thing is he is my fiance’s brother.”
I laughed. And was also reassured, because I trusted this friend – she has good taste.
So, from there, she introduced us via text message, as he was in Florida and I was in North Carolina at the time.
I was blown away by how attentive and thoughtful he was, even through texting. Asking me questions and making me laugh, the conversation flowed easy and naturally and I found myself excited every time a text came through from him.
They Say 30 Is The New 20, Right?
A couple weeks later, I was with my girlfriends for my 30th birthday, and I found myself talking about him. They were all so excited for me, and reassured me that, “No, it’s not too fast. God has a plan and His own timeline.”
So, he and I continued to talk on the phone (for hours), Facetime (for hours), and text (for hours), until we decided that it was time to finally meet up in person. We settled on the last week of March to meet in Charleston, which was equidistant for both of us.
I was so excited. And nervous, of course.
But again, I was blown away by his thoughtfulness. He planned everything that weekend, made all of the reservations, paid for everything. There wasn’t a detail that didn’t go unnoticed. I didn’t have to plan a thing. And I had never been treated like that before.
I remember we were sitting at dinner and he said, “You know, even if this doesn’t work out, I want you to know how you deserve to be treated.”
The weekend was absolutely wonderful, and despite some awkward nerves during that first hour, we fell into each other like we had known each other for years.
But I think my favorite moment was when he told me, “Hey, let’s get to mass early so that we can pray a rosary together.”
And call me crazy, but I think it was in that moment that I knew… this is my person.

The Whirlwind of Long Distance
We continued dating long distance over the next few months of 2021. It definitely had it’s challenges. Navigating the highs of being together and then the lows of leaving one another was really tough on both of us. But we planned wine Facetime dates each weekend that made the time go by faster and, of course, talked each day.
And truthfully, it helped us grow deeper in love, as we learned so much about one another’s lives.
He also always made sure I had fresh flowers and would surprise me with other little gifts to let me know he was thinking about me.
Around the summertime, I had been praying pretty hard about whether I should move to Florida. I wasn’t tied to North Carolina, as I work remote and my family is from New York, so if there would be a perfect time to move, it would be now.
I continued to feel the Lord pull me there, and when I would visit, I was the happiest, most peaceful I had been in a long time.
Of course, I was really sad to leave North Carolina, but I knew that if I wanted things to work between us, living in the same state would help make that happen.
So, I took the plunge. And I’m so grateful I did.
Upending My Whole Life
As I prepared to move, I was approached by a start up company looking for a PR Manager. I wasn’t necessarily looking for a new job, but I was not happy at my current company. I decided to hear what this new company had to say, and I was in love. Plus, I was ready for a new challenge (you know, because a new relationship, a new city and a new state wasn’t enough “newness”).
I got the job, moved down to Florida, and started the (what still feels like it’s never ending) process of moving.
Being in the same city is amazing. I cannot tell you how awesome it is to be able to pop over to his apartment for dinner whenever I’d like. And the move is truly when our relationship took a whole other, deeper turn.
Building A Life Together
We had talked about marriage pretty often in our dating relationship. I think we both knew pretty early (honestly, I knew after Charleston). We also knew we needed to take some time to discern and continue to get to know each other.
But we’re a bit impatient and we were ready for the next step.
One Sunday, we had plans to go to mass, brunch at the beach, and then sit on the beach and read our books together. After mass, I was eager to get to brunch, because #hangry. So, we hurried over there and when we pulled up, Gus was insistent on putting our beach stuff out on the beach before we ate.
I was wearing stockings and booties, so that was a “no” for me. And trust me, I pushed back. But he kept telling me we should go out there, and he usually doesn’t push in that sort of way, so I followed, begrudgingly, of course.
We walked a bit, put the stuff down, and I turned to walk the other way when he said, “Let’s go this way.” Confused, we started walking the other way, and I saw a beautiful picnic setup on the beach, to which I thought, “We are either having a very fancy brunch today or I’m about to get engaged.”
As we walked closer, I started shaking, because what else do you do when you’re about to get engaged? He started saying all of these beautiful words that I don’t even remember because, again, I was shaking. And then, his family and my family jumped out and surprised us. I had no idea my family would be in town, so I yelled, “MOM!!!” And continued to shake.
He got down on one knee, and it was the easiest, “Yes!” of my life.
We drank champagne, ate food, took pictures on the beach, and I kept shaking until I had enough champagne to bring me back down to normal.
It was absolutely beautiful.
We have a special devotion to Mary, and got engaged on The Presentation of Our Lady, which also happened to be the feast of Christ the King. And we’re getting married on the feast of Our Lady of Fatima.

Speaking of our friends in heaven…
When I was in that relationship the year before, I was very unsure if I should marry him. But I was stubborn and knew I’d say yes if he asked, even if I felt very little peace about it. I’d heard a lot of people having success with praying a novena to St. Therese and receiving flowers from her. (More on that here.)
So, I asked St. Therese, “If I am supposed to marry this guy, please send me white roses.” I said white roses, because they’re not as common and they signify purity. Plus, I knew that if I asked for red roses, they’re so common, I could see them anywhere and assume they were for me.
I prayed the novena and then eagerly awaited my white roses.
Not even a white carnation.
I was frustrated because I was still so unsure about that relationship and needed something, anything to tell me it was right.
Months went by and I didn’t see a white rose anywhere. So, I laid that to rest and assumed, “Okay, God is calling me to make a decision for myself. Ye of little faith.”
Fast forward 2.5 years later, I’m sitting at my desk the day after I get engaged to Gus, and I hear a knock at my door.
I open the door to see a man holding a bouquet of white roses. I grabbed them, shut the door, and screamed.

As I looked further, I saw they were intermixed with lilies (which symbolizes St. Joseph). I almost fell over.
And they were sent by the company I work for, who surely did not know I had prayed this novena a couple years ago.
I love that story, because it reminds me daily that God calls us to place our trust in Him AND His timing. And we have lots of friends in heaven praying for us.
It’s Only The Beginning
So, that’s our story, my friends. If you made it this far, thank you for reading. Thank you for being a part of this journey.
And if I can give one piece of advice from a girl who tried so hard to make every failed relationship work… step out of the boat and trust Him. It is always, always worth it.

Oh, and now I get to be sisters in law with my sweet, dear friend from college and WE ARE SO EXCITED.

This story is absolutely beautiful and made me cry. So happy for you and your fiancé! Congratulations!
Thank you so much! That means the world to me!
i am so happy for you. i hope Erin and i can catch up with you soon. let us know if you need anything – have a blessed Advent and Christmas – your love and faith is inspiring and contagious
Yes! I would absolutely love that. I’ll reach out to the both of you!
GIRL–the white roses AND the white lilies!!!! Ahhh! I’m so happy for you! As someone who has so much trouble trusting God, I am filled with SO MUCH hope in and joy at God’s providence in your beautiful, beautiful story. Seriously, this and your other post about moving to Florida etc. give me so much hope and encouragement at taking steps that seem wild to me but may very well be where God is calling. I was so excited to sit down to read this, and it did not disappoint. I am probably going to re-read this post and your last one about 2021 being a life update when I need a reminder to TRUST GOD. Thank you for writing and sharing this! Congratulations to and praying for you both!!