Here are nine simple ways I plan for a successful week of workouts!
Blog Posts
I Thought Discernment Was Easy…
But it’s wrecked me in the best way possible. I’ve seen God’s goodness and glory in ways I’ve never expected through this time. And I’m so thankful for Him.
When We Find Our Plans Not Going As Planned
I’m learning how to let go of the many plans I have and give my life over fully to God.
My Journey To Mindfulness
I recently finished the Introduction to Catholic Mindfulness program through the CatholicPsych Academy. I learned so much and I’m sharing that here with you!
Why Yes, I Am On An Anti-Depressant
Disclaimer: I am writing this with a major, MAJOR disclaimer. I am not a doctor, licensed medical professional, psychologist, therapist – you name it, I am not it. So, you’re probably wondering why I’m writing this. What I share in…
Overcoming Self-Doubt and Achieving Your Goals
I sat down with Jill Reggiannini from aspiredly to chat about self-doubt and achieving your goals!